Tapes reviews of tapes I buy or get sent.

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Sunday, 4 April 2010

Kid Romance - Thriller / Killer (Captured Tracks)

I can't really avoid talking about the recording on this tape, which is so poor, probably the poorest of any release i own, that i never find myself listening to it. I know a song is judged on the song itself, but if i cant hear it then its pretty pointless. The second track 'Glitter & Ash' i think is a poppy rock n roll punk track but fuck knows if thats what it really is? I would hate to write off this band because of this tape, but i know 1 mic practice room recordings can be alot better than this release. Sorry Kid Romance, the tracks on the 7" that this tape came with were not much better either. I'll listen up again when they buy a 4 track or a good dictaphone.


Kid Romance - Thriller (Captured Tracks)

  1. Fuck Punx
  2. Glitter + Ash
  3. Blood Worms
  4. Fuck Sharks
  5. Psychic Tele
  6. Crazies
  7. No Freedom
  8. Darlin
  9. Shadow
  10. I Use Electricity
  11. No NO NO NO NO NO
  12. Telepathy
  13. Piss Cop
  14. Phantom Track
  15. Hail Satan!

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